Thanks and thanksgiving are mentioned at least six times in The Book of Colossians.  The various contexts in which they are found are most interesting; the one mentioned in 4:2 (NASB) is worthy of special consideration today.  The Apostle has just mentioned how slaves should treat their masters, and unless the masters think themselves toContinue reading “THANKS AND THANKSGIVING”


I recall so well how shortly after becoming a Christian I was enamored with prophetic preachers and their projections regarding the return of Christ for His own.  Scripture after Scripture was woven into the subject and I found it hard to comprehend where their exegesis drew the conclusions on which they were hanging their hats. Continue reading “LOOKING FOR SIGNS!”


A few days ago I was reflecting on my ministry over the years.  In the process of doing so, I reflected on what I thought to be my strengths and weaknesses.  Being “dear old Ted”, I found an ample number in each area; in fact I found too many negatives to suit me, and decidedContinue reading “SOME THINGS NEED TO BE SAID”


Of recent, we have all given our opinions about the elections, and utilized as much Scripture as possible to solidify our opinions about how to pray for “the will of the Lord”!  In most cases we have become convinced that our prayer life has been tossed to and fro like the ocean waves, only toContinue reading “ARGUING WITH GOD”


The 119th Psalm is the longest of the Psalms.  In the event that you are one of those who underline verses, or even passages of Scripture that are meaningful to you, that it gets your attention quickly as you are looking for something in particular, this one is filled with highlights. Because we live inContinue reading “DISCERNMENT”


Unaware of our enemy, or the armor that they utilize is usually a guarantee that we are about to lose the battle.  Preparations are necessary!  A large amount of Christians “miss the boat” on the victory that awaits them when faltering in that particular arena. The war front lines can be savagely fought, but behindContinue reading “FULLY ARMED”


A large portion of my growing up days was in a house attached to a Lighthouse.  It made for interesting times.  Perhaps the most exciting of times, when a hurricane would “invade” the Island! To describe all of the times would be unnecessary, because there was much that was alike, but not always.  The winds,Continue reading “ADDING/SCATTERING”